Our website is a fully secured site. Using SSL and advanced encryption technology safeguarding your personal information along with your credit card information.


All items are listed and payable in U.S. funds.


Payment may be made by Mastercard, Visa, Paypal, American Express, Discover, JCB, Diner's Club and EnRoute. Personal checks are not accepted. All credit card orders must be shipped to the Credit Card holders address only, we will not ship to addresses other than the Credit Card holders address.


You can get a live estimate for the shipping costs for your order on our website. Once you have added your items to your cart then you can see on the right-hand side of the page a place to calculate the shipping. You will need to enter your Country, State or Province, and Zip or Postal Code. You will then see the shipping options available for your location and the prices.

We do not charge any handling fees all prices quoted are actual shipping costs only. Please note: We are unable to ship Nazi or SS related items, including reproduction and authentic, to neither the country of France or Germany.

We will not be held responsible for delayed shipments due to: Items held at customs, postal or delivery strikes or stoppages or inaccurate addresses or customers moving.


PHONE: 204-339-2810

EMAIL: [email protected]

Mailing address:

Winnipeg RPO Garden City
PO Box 49143
Manitoba, Canada
R2V 4C8


You may return your order for a refund, minus shipping costs. See shipping address for Militarytour.com above in the Contact Us section.

Return the item using the most economical shipping method possible and indicate that the item is a return or a gift. Include in the package a note concerning why you are returning the item, your full name and address, along with your order number Custom order or custom-made items: No refunds will be given on any custom made items or custom orders. If it is possible for us to exchange with our supplier then we may allow exchanges of your item.

AUTHENTIC MILITARIA: Items listed under Authentic Militaria only, come with a guarantee or originality. There is a 30 day inspection period. If during the 30 day inspection period you have doubts about the authenticity of the item you may return it for a full refund. Policies for return are outlined above. The item must be returned in its original condition.

FILM COMPANIES: Please note that if you are theatre or film company we will not allow returns of any type. You may inquiry about our rental program instead.

LOST ITEMS: You are able to select the type of shipping you wish when you purchase. If you require your item quickly please be sure to purchase shipping type that will meet your needs.

Unfortunately, we are not able to control what happens with the shipping once it leaves our facilities.

Genuine postal losses are rare in Canada. Experience has shown us that in most cases items are returned to us by Canada Post as uncollected when buyers have reported items as undelivered. Please check with your local shipping office before contacting us about non-shipping.

We can not accept any responsibility for items that maybe confiscated, held, or lost by customs or government agencies at your country.


Privacy is important to us and we respect your need for privacy. Any and all information collected at this site will be kept strictly confidential and will not be sold, reused, rented, loaned or otherwise disclosed. E-mail addresses are collected only for the purpose of contacting you in the future. We WILL NOT share your e-mail address with other companies or individuals.


Copyright 2002 Military Tour.com. All Rights Reserved. This site and the contents of the site are intended for your personal, non-commercial use. The site contains copyrighted material, including, without limitation, text, software, photos, graphics, illustrations, images, logos, and/or video, music and sound. The site is protected by copyright as a collective work, pursuant to copyright laws. You may not modify, publish, adapt, transmit, participate in the transfer or sale, exhibit, distribute, display, reverse engineer, decompile, dissemble, perform, reproduce, create derivative works from, or in any way exploit any of the site content, in whole or in part. Any third-party content providers also own copyrights in the content original to it.


We reserve the right to limit quantities ordered. We reserve the right to refuse to accept any order which we deem to contradict our standard policies. We reserve the right to change our policies without prior notice. We reserve the right to refuse returns. Items are subject to availability and may change without notice.