
  1. FORWARD OBSERVATION POST with Corporal Harry Winther - Part 6

      Continuation of the War Journal of Corporal Harry Winther Forward Observation Post Lt. Rankin woke me before daylight and told me to call Casey, one of our signals, he said the Carlton and York Regiment had driven a wedge into the enemy lines and the West Nova Scotia Regiment was making an attack this […]

  2. AIR ATTACK with Corporal Harry Winther - Part 7

    Continuation of the War Journal of Corporal Harry Winther Air Attack Dec. 28/43. We had just set up machine guns and mortars to support the engineers who were trying to put a Bailey bridge across a little river. I had put my blankets and pack in a large culvert under the road where I planned […]

  3. IN HOSPITAL with Corporal Harry Winther - Part 9

        Continuation of the War Journal of Corporal Harry Winther In Hospital We’re headed across the mountains again to the Adriatic side, the move is supposed to be secret so we travel at night. These mountain roads are built for donkey carts and are full of sharp curves and switchbacks, especially difficult for my […]

  4. WINTER IN RAVINE with Corporal Harry Winther - Part 8

      Continuation of the War Journal of Corporal Harry Winther Winter in Ravine After the battle of Ortona which the historians called the bloodiest battle of the war it really settled down to rain, we pushed forward as far as we could but soon everything was a sea of mud. The tanks were bogged down […]

  5. WW2 Vet George Perrine's Story PART 6

    PART 6 – FINAL CHAPTER…..   I was assigned as gunner to my armored car. Unfortunately, I did not know any of the crew.  They were all replacements and came on board while I was in the hospital. The next day we crossed the Rhine River and headed east, destination Berlin. It was fighting advance all […]

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